Welcome 2018 – thanks for everything in 2017

Text: Louise Beck Brønnum and Michael Bom Frøst Editor: Julia Sick.Photos: Roberto Flore, Julia Sick, Rikke Højer, Louise Beck Brønnum, Vild Mad A new year is approaching. Throughout December the Lab has been smelling of pine (α-pinene), cinnamon (cinnamaldehyde), cloves (eugenol), oranges (octyl acetate) and gløgg – the Danish mulled wine. It is a time to enjoy meals together with family and friends and to remember all the pleasant memories from the past year, and to make a brief inventory of the activities in the lab.  Therefore, we would like to share some of our best memories from 2017 with you. This year Nordic Food Lab published the book “On eating insects”, about our work with insects and how we explored the deliciousness of insects around the world. We are truly honoured by the positive feedback it has received. We contributed to numerous festivals, symposiums and food events in Denmark … Read more

Monday Aperitivo Volume II: Domestication of Fungi

Text: Mathias Skovmand-Larsen. Editors: Michael Bom Frøst & Louise Beck Brønnum. Photos Julia Sick.  November 27 2017, we held our second Monday Aperitivo. This time the theme was the kingdom of fungi, in a broad definition. The idea of this Monday Aperitivo was to discuss and engage in the diversity of fungi and their potential for creating deliciousness in foods. In gastronomy, we often mostly consider fungi to be the edible mushrooms from the forest and farmed mushroom. But fungi are most importantly also used for food and beverages preparation and preservation. Methods creating the most unique and delicious flavours and textures. Often, we are not even aware of how many foods, which are made from the biosynthesis of fungi.  Take Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the yeast for making bread, beer and wine, Penicillium roqueforti, the mould for making blue cheese and the mould Rhizopus spp. for making tempe, a traditional food from Java in … Read more